Friday, March 21, 2008

Farrakhan Withdraws Endorsement Of Barack Obama

On the heels of Barack Obama's recent criticism of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Nation Of Islam leader, Reverend Louis Farrakhan announced on Friday that he was withdrawing his endorsement of Barack Obama.

"Barack Obama is not same person that I knew just a few short months ago," Farrakhan lamented. "He has suddenly rejected the hate-filled ideologies which were once part and parcel of his pastor's and his own audacity of hope. I do not know what has suddenly become of this man. Perhaps he is ill, or maybe he has gone mad. But in any case, he is not the Barack Obama of old, and I can not endorse his candidacy any longer. Hence, effective as of today, I am withdrawing my endorsement of Obama and I call on all noble-minded Americans, who truly cherish bigotry and prejudice, to do the same."

However, Barack Obama on Friday defended his criticism of Reverend Wright, telling reporters that "I'm simply trying to bring about change for the good of this country"!

"I promised the American people that I would bring about change," Obama said, "and indeed, I have changed. I am no longer the race-baiting fanatic I once was just a few short months ago. And if that's not "change you can believe in", then perhaps you just don't believe I can change!" I DiggIt!